Recorded turning one for reference for when I have to do it next year and can’t remember all the details 😀 This was one of the finished ones, but the unfinished ones (no wax, just sanded) are nicer for kids as they can colour them in with markers or paints themselves.
Nearly had a woopsie on this one when I didn’t notice the rest moving…
Got back to some woodturning over solstice. Been a while, out of practice. The skew catches were… good substitutes for a large cup of coffee. But things came out in the end.
That was a little over a year ago. Since then there’s been exams, which went well.
And there was upper air work with stalls and turns and basic flying stuff and then there were lots and lots and lots of circuits and landings that were so bad I’m sure flying instructors are a little bit broken putting up with them. There was also a bout of covid and the worst winter weather we’ve had in a decade or more so the airfield was closed for six months literally the week before I was meant to do this:
And now my tie’s on the wall 🙂 There’s a lot more training to do before the licence, mind you. Many more circuits, nav work, cross-country flying, then a skills test. Not sure if it can all fit into this year given how weather-dependent everything is. But it’s fun!
You have to hand it to the US, even Irish politicians wouldn't be dumb enough to try to pass a law saying you couldn't vote without some piece of ID [...]
Y'know, wars were started on flimsier evidence than stuff like this (in the modern era, you can go back to Vietnam for references, by way of Iraq and Afghanistan). Starting [...]
The other day, The Daily Show had a joke where they said what america needed wasn't MAGA but Make America Not Governed In Obviously Negative ...Kinda thinking that's less funny [...]
I took a fucking nap. I had the day off work, I was tired all day so I took a nap, and I wake up to every TV channel showing [...]